Remember These Tips When Going on a Road Trip With Your Emotional Support Dog

Are you planning to go on a road trip with your emotional support dog? If yes, then this article is for you.

Taking your ESA dog along with you on a road trip sounds like a fun idea. While it is fun to go on a road trip with your dog, some things can also go wrong if you are not careful.

But don’t worry, we are here for you. In this article, you are going to learn about some of the best tips that can help in making your road trip with your emotional support dog even better.

Emotional Support Dog
A road trip with your emotional support dog can be a great way to strengthen your bond with your dog even more. It is fun and amazing.

Also, with your emotional support dog along with you, you won’t feel stressed or anxious on your trip. Emotional support dogs can help people deal with many mental health issues like anxiety, stress, depression, and more.

You can get an ESA letter by visiting My ESA Doctor to make your dog an emotional support dog if you have a mental health issue.

Having said that, let’s look at some of the best tips that can help you have a great road trip with your emotional support dog.

Tips to Remember When Going on a Road Trip With Your Emotional Support Dog

  • Plan everything beforehand.
  • Never leave your dog in the car alone.
  • Pack a travel bag for your doggo.

Tip 1. Plan Everything Beforehand

This is the best tip anyone can give you when you are thinking of going on a road trip with your emotional support dog

You would need to schedule out every single hour of your trip. And the most important thing - plan where you are going to stay. 

There are only a few hotels that allow dogs. And some of these hotels may also have some restrictions regarding the weight and breed of the dog. So, it is always better to do your research in advance and book a place before hitting the road.

Tip 2. Never Leave Your Pooch in The Car Alone

Never-ever leave your dog in the car alone!

It is an extremely dangerous thing to do when you are traveling with your dog. There are still many people who make the mistake of leaving their dogs in the car alone.

The temperature inside the car can get really high in just an hour. This can be really dangerous for your pooch. 

If you are making just a small stop, make sure that air-conditioning of the car is on when your dog is inside. And return to your car as soon as possible. However, I would still not recommend you to leave your dog in the car even for a small stop.

Tip 3. Pack a Travel Bag for Your Emotional Support Dog

While you are packing your stuff for the trip, do not forget to pack a travel bag for your fur-pal either. 

This bag will help in keeping everything organized. It will also ensure that you have everything your doggo may need while you are on the road with him/her.

Here are a few things that you can pack for your doggo - 

  • Chews
  • Favorite toys
  • Medications
  • Updated tags
  • Dog treats
  • Bowls for food and water
  • Grooming supplies
  • An extra leash and collar.


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