Why You Need An Emotional Support Dog?

An emotional support dog is not just a dog, but a companion who will always be there by your side to cope with different emotions every day. They help you to stay calm in tough situations.

Emotional Support Dog

Patients with some mental disabilities benefit from emotional support dogs significantly. And, to adopt them you have to get an ESA letter written from certified psychologists or physiatrists saying it is a part of your therapy treatment plan.

Here we are going to talk about the health benefits of an emotional support dog. And, learn why you should plan to get an emotional support animal of your own.


People living with an emotional support dog enjoy their companionship. Especially the ones living alone or facing difficult to overcome trauma finds spending time with the support animals quite comforting.

Humans have the tendency to look for a friend in the toughest timings. Having an emotional support dog makes it easy to cope with the suffering from mental disorders. 

Less Stress

Every pet owner agrees that spending time with a pet is quite relaxing and reduces stress levels. The furry friends also keep you away from the feeling of alienation and social anxiety, which we face difficulty in managing.

Spending time with them leads to the release of the stress-relieving hormone, endorphins that make you feel good. Therefore, you should spend time with your ESA to bring down the stress levels and stabilize blood pressure levels. 

Healthy Distraction

An emotional support dog is a healthy distraction for patients suffering from mental disorders. Whenever you will feel low, the support dog will help you remain calm. So if you are looking for ways to break the monotony, a dog will act as an escape from usual lives.

If you have no idea about this, talk to some pet owners to learn how furry pals add joy and love to your life. The consequential endorphins released when they acknowledge your emotions will make you feel good. 

Prevent Panic Attacks

Along with calming you down, they also reduce panic attacks. Depending on the severity of the attacks, they help you in recovering. It is not a cure, but a significant way to deal with panic attacks.

The non-judgmental support with constant companionship helps in building bonds with the pet. Looking into their eyes is very similar to looking into the eyes of your friend, which leads to an increase in oxycontin levels. 


These are some of the ways how an emotional support dog helps people truly in need. The submissive gesture of your furry friend is their way of showing empathy and comfort you. And, the best part is you can take them everywhere to have the support to deal with your illness in case it is triggered. 

If you feel an ESA can help you cope with anxiety, stress, and mental disorders, get in touch with your doctor to get a legitimate ESA letter. Check the eligibility to get started.


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