How an Emotional Support Dog can Change Your Life?
Every emotional support animal has different characteristics that
have a positive effect on your life. In fact, people say owing an emotional support dog is a
life-changing experience, that helps them to live their life to the fullest.
And, the love and companionship offered by them help the owner to live an
independent life.
Here’s how keeping an emotional support animal will improve
Alleviates Anxiety
If you are someone who is continuously worried about one or the
other thing in life, petting an ESA can really make it easy for you to cope
with day-to-day activities. You can choose any animal from rabbit, turtle, cat
or more. But dogs are the most favorite of the people as they need less care
and quite easily adapt to change in life. The furry paws are also the most
friendly animals, whose presence will change your life for the better.
Just having them by your side helps with anxiety and increases
your focus, helping you live a normal life.
Reduces Stress
spending five minutes has been associated with the reduction in stress
hormones. If visiting a dog for a few minutes can reduce the levels of cortisol, imagine how always having
them by your side can help you. Moreover, they are considered to be more
effective than humans for stress relief. Just like toys are given to children,
the presence of a pet will keep the cortisol levels low.
Lifts your mood
There is solid proof that shows animal therapy lifts your spirits. Many studies have shown even a few minutes with your furry friends reduces depressive symptoms. Especially with the elderly people, who tend to be depressed because of loneliness see an improvement in the quality of life after having a pet by their side. And, for working professionals spending a few minutes with the pet is a good way to wind up after a long day.
Makes You A Human Magnet
Your dog becomes the major reason for your social interactions. Even studies show that strangers accompanied by the dogs are more likely to be involved in a conversation.
Forces You To Go Out
Sitting at home and a sedentary lifestyle are linked with prolonged stress levels. However, when you have an emotional support dog at your home you will have to take them out for a walk. This will not only help you in building a good human-dog relationship but also add a good routine of going out and doing some physical activity. A morning jog with your pet friend is quite effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and other health conditions.
These are some of the ways how emotional support dogs can substantially change the quality of life. Emotional support dogs are considered to be more effective than medications to cope with behavioral disorders and improve the overall quality of life. So if you are having trouble managing stressful situations, consider adding a calm and placid emotional support animal to your life.
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