How Much Exercise Does my Emotional Support Dog Really Needs?
Like humans, regular exercise provides lots of health benefits to animals. It helps in lowering blood pressure levels, building muscles, strengthening bones, reducing risks of obesity , etc. Now, the question is—what are the daily exercise needs of an emotional support dog ? What are the different ways to exercise a dog? Let’s find out. How Much Exercise an Emotional Support Dog Requires? Daily exercising needs depend on various factors, such as breed, general health, and age. Some veterinarians believe that an hour of exercise every day can help a four-legged animal stay fit and healthy. For instance, Golden Retrievers are active dogs, which love playing. Usually, they require at least 2 hours of exercise every day. Pugs are lazy dogs, which don’t require much exercise daily. However, Exercising doesn’t mean that you should focus on physical exercises, such as throwing a ball and asking your dog to pick it up. But, mental & social stimulation is also necessary....